Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Our First Blog

There have been many "firsts" for this family in the past five years. A marriage, a house, a dog, a Maggie, and now, our first blog. Whether you like what you see or what we have to say, or you're still trying to figure out what the heck we're doing and thinking, we hope you enjoy reading this and keeping up with what's going on in our lives.

I have to give my friend Jen credit for introducing us to this whole blogging world (or should I thank Rob?) because after seeing the Jones' family blog, I thought "why can't I do that?" Now, I don't pretend to be as creative a writer as Rob, but we'll do our best to keep you updated!


Kelly O'Neill said...

Hi Kelly,
Let me start off by saying how beautiful Maggie is!!! What a cutie pie!!! I love the blog, what a fun idea. Thanks for the great updates.
Kelly O'Neill

mtink said...

I love the blog idea. I miss you guys so much since college and I am so happy that you decide to start this blog. Now I can feel like I am not as disconnected being so far away and never seeing each other. Love you guys!