Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Maggie Turns One

Yes, Maggie turned 1 on February 18, 2008. No, we can't believe how fast time has gone by. When you're a new parent, many people like to tell you (multiple times) how fast kids grow up, but until you've lived it, you don't get it. We get it now. I remember when we first brought Maggie home from the hospital and it seemed like all she did was sleep, eat & poop, and I recall Matt asking, "when is she going to do something?" Well, now she's doing many "somethings". Yes, time has gone by quickly but we really take pride in spending quality time with Maggie, and enjoy every minute of time with her; we know how blessed we are to have her along on this joyride.
Maggie has been walking since about 10 months old, and boy does she get around quickly. Her favorite things to play with are cell phones and tupperware. Oh yeah, and the dog's food and water dishes. And the dog's bone. And stuff in the trash (what is it about kids and dogs liking to play with tissues?). Did I mention that she likes to unroll the toilet paper from the roll? Basically she favors the items we thought we had baby-proofed.

The real treat though is that she now has a few words in her vocabulary. "Dada" seems to be her most-used word. Occasionally she's kind enough to throw in a few "Mama's" but that's just because that word seems to make her giggle. She's getting close to saying "dog" but right now it comes out as "da" when she sees Molly or another neighborhood dog. She also knows "ball". However the word she uses the most comes out as "sht".....we hope it's not what it sounds like and we really try NOT to be entertained when we hear her say this. We hope she's just playing with different sounds!
Maggie's party was a lot of fun and family celebrated with us: Aunt Megan, Uncle Rick, Morgan & Bailey; Grandma & Poppy; Grammy & Grandpa; Aunt Meghan & Tommy; Aunt Judy & Uncle John (guess that would be Great Aunt Judy & Great Uncle John). It was great to have everyone there to celebrate with us, and we know there were some special people who were celebrating with us in spirit if not in person.


Geoff Henry said...

She looks just like her mom. :) What a sweet child! We are expecting two grandchildren this year, one in April and one in Septemeber.

meg13m said...

Awe Maggie!!! You are too cute! Love you! Aunt Meg