Sunday, March 9, 2008


By letting you all in on my newest committment to myself, my hope is that making this public will help encourage me to keep at it. Ever heard of Couch-to-5K running program? It's basically a smart method to get yourself up and running- starting out slow and working your way up to a 5K. If you're interested, the link is . Since having the baby I have recommitted to myself to get into shape; the weight is coming off :) but I also want to be a healthy role model for Maggie. Running is not really my thing, and I hope my knees can take it. I'm starting out on the treadmill, in the hopes it is kinder to my knees than the sidewalks. Wish me luck & encouragement, all you runners!


meg13m said...

Go Kelly!!!

mtink said...

Good luck Kelly! Let me know how your progress goes. I would love to do something like that! I know you will do it!

A life well lived said...

AWESOME! You can do it!! Hey, I'll do it with you. Lord knows I need to get in shape! I'm going to check out that site right now!
Erica :)