Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter.....and More!

What an eventful few days we have had here at the Miehl household! Our Easter weekend celebration started Thursday night with the arrival of cousins from Meadville, Barry, Tricia, Brighton & Caleb. The rest of the "Dave Anderson" crew was spread out at my parents' house and Megan & Rick's house for the weekend. Good Friday the Barry Anderson & Miehl crew made it to Chucky Cheese, which was a surprisingly fun and non-sticky experience (my memories of Chucky Cheese are of snot-nosed kids running around barefoot on gross carpet). Saturday started off with Bailey's birthday party...yes, he is 2 years old!! After the Elmo-fest at Bailey's party all the kids (and admittedly so, most of the parents) took naps and then it was on to Mom & Dad's for an egg hunt, decorating eggs, and fun. On Sunday we all went to church together, had lunch at Mom & Dad's and then the Andersons headed home for their long drives. I have tried to choose just the very best pictures but it's hard to narrow down!! The entire weekend was hectic and at times chaotic but so much fun- those mental snapshots keep me smiling still.

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