Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween and Hobbies

Halloween has come and gone...whew!!!  We had a great time trick or treating, despite the periods of rain and drizzle.  Our princess tuckered out after an hour of going house-to-house.  Here are some photos from Halloween week:


I started the Wilton class series at Joann craft store this week, it's so exciting!  Sad I know, but it is fun.  The first class was this week and was purely a demonstration class.  Our homework was to go home and experiment with making icing, and all of the supplies in our starter kit.  Morgan helped me with my first cake-  be kind, it is my first try!!

1 comment:

The Jones' said...

Kelly!! I just randomly decided to look at your blog and was so excited to see some updates. I can't believe how big Maggie is! She is still so adorable and seems like lots of fun. Aiden is also huge and makes us laugh every day. I miss you and think about you often! I am glad you are still at CCDAS-I'd love to catch up sometime.

hope your holidays are wonderful!
