Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rainy Sick Day

Something bad came over our place this past week. Last weekend was great, we had the Mattison kids over the weekend and a lot of fun was had. We went to Hands on House and spent time watching baseball and football with Mom & Dad. Kids crafts and baking was also part of the weekend.

On Sunday evening, though, Maggie started to drag. She was sick until Tuesday, then Matt was next. I managed to hold out until Friday afternoon. In all, we've gone through Tylenol, prescription antibiotics, 3 boxes of tissues, about 10 cans of soup, a loaf of bread, 1/2 a bottle of handsoap, and 3/4 can of Lysol this week. Whew.

Since today was recovery day, and it was pouring down rain, we had a stay-in-your-pj day, which was GREAT! It was just what the Dr. ordered. There was a lot of sleeping, playing (quiet games), and just resting in general. But....we did manage to do a couple of fun things: Maggie and I made peanut butter playdough. I first saw this on Jon & Kate Plus 8 (the episodes when Jon was actually human) and found the recipe online today. Then, we made Maggie's dinner- bloody bandaged fingertips. Pretty gross but very Halloween-like.

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