Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chris Farley/ David Spade and DirecTV controversy

Tonight I was reviewing the updates on my igoogle home page and came across some controversy regarding the new DirecTV ad featuring a piece of one of my favorite movies, "Tommy Boy".  It seems some are offended that DirecTV is using a clip from the movie that includes one of my favorite comedians, Chris Farley.  Those of you who are fans know that Chris Farley died in 1997 (?) due to cardiac arrest from a drug overdose.  For us fans, it was a great loss.  And for non-fans, also a loss because they didn't get to live through his comedy, but at least you can all watch his movies and SNL reruns.  HILARIOUS. 
Remember "I am El Nino.  All other tropical storms can bow before 'El Nino'.  'El Nino' is Spanish for....'The Nino'"? 
How about Matt Foley, the Motivational Speaker who lived in a van down by the river and lived on a steady diet of government cheese? 
When I saw the DirecTV clip, it just made me smile and remember all of the great characters Chris Farley played in his day.
Anyway, here is the clip of the new commercial.  Judge for yourself. 


I would embed the video but I'm not sure how to do that yet!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Little Blessing

Maggie has been trying to say the Blessing with us before dinner ever since she could talk. She has it almost down! This one was just for fun, she was a little distracted by the peanut butter playdough, but you get the idea. It's just so CUTE!!!! Of course, I am a little partial.

Rainy Sick Day

Something bad came over our place this past week. Last weekend was great, we had the Mattison kids over the weekend and a lot of fun was had. We went to Hands on House and spent time watching baseball and football with Mom & Dad. Kids crafts and baking was also part of the weekend.

On Sunday evening, though, Maggie started to drag. She was sick until Tuesday, then Matt was next. I managed to hold out until Friday afternoon. In all, we've gone through Tylenol, prescription antibiotics, 3 boxes of tissues, about 10 cans of soup, a loaf of bread, 1/2 a bottle of handsoap, and 3/4 can of Lysol this week. Whew.

Since today was recovery day, and it was pouring down rain, we had a stay-in-your-pj day, which was GREAT! It was just what the Dr. ordered. There was a lot of sleeping, playing (quiet games), and just resting in general. But....we did manage to do a couple of fun things: Maggie and I made peanut butter playdough. I first saw this on Jon & Kate Plus 8 (the episodes when Jon was actually human) and found the recipe online today. Then, we made Maggie's dinner- bloody bandaged fingertips. Pretty gross but very Halloween-like.

The Past Year

So, to summarize what has gone on over the past year:

Maggie turned into a little girl- she is potty trained, knows her alphabet and colors, loves princess anything (I have no clue why!!) and has grown out of Elmo, sleeps in a toddler bed, and wears a size 3 or 4T clothes.

Kelly- now drives a mini van (gasp!), uses a Garmin (double gasp- technology!), and I guess that's about it.

Matt- started making beer, and still trying to convince Kelly we need to get a 50 inch plasma TV. The debate goes on. Are we living in a movie theater?

We managed to take a short trip to Chincoteague this summer, it was relaxing and wonderful, we had a great weather, rode our bikes everywhere, and discovered Maggie truly has no fear of the ocean. AND Matt managed to scrounge up a couple of nice conche shells due to Hurricane Bill passing through- the surf was really churned up.

Matt continues to take grad classes and fingers crossed will have his MA by this summer.

Kelly continues to work for the Department of Aging- over 5 years and still going!

There were so many things that have gone on since we stopped blogging....sooooo....we're just going to start going forward today!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Uh, what happened?

So as you can see, we have neglected our blog. Seriously neglected it. Over one whole year of events has happened since we...ahem...I, pledged it keep the blog going. What happened, you ask? I'll tell you- Facebook, that's what happened. A friend introduced me to it and I was hooked and still am. It has become way to easy to keep up with people on FB. But alas, I again am heading back to the blog. Let's see how this goes.