Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Happened to Our Baby?

When I was pregnant, I can't tell you how many times I was told "it'll go by so fast". And now that we're living it, I see how true it is. It seems like one night Maggie went to bed a baby and the next day she woke up a toddler. She's walking and running, saying her version of "thank you" and giving kisses. She says "Mama" and her favorite word, "Dada", and "dog". Her newest thing is spoon feeding herself, which she does when she feels like it. And she loves pudding! She loves carrying blankets around with her, especially the one she sleeps with, but she will even go so far as to take off of you the blanket you are using! She also loves electronics of all kinds- cell phones, calculators, computers, and remotes, and she knows which ones are the toys and which ones are real. She is a purse lady too, always taking my purse and carring it around with her. It's so cute.

Maggie is still mostly easy-going and laid back, and a very happy little girl, but she has that Fisher-girl temper that I can't even pretend could have come from Matt's family! I hope to teach her how to turn that around into becoming a strong advocate for herself and for others who can't or don't speak for themselves.

Each stage she goes through seems more and more fun, and there are days we are still astounded that we created this beautiful girl.

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