Sunday, April 27, 2008

Need to Catch Up!!

We really need to play some catch-up with this blog. It's bound to get busier as the spring moves on and we get into summer....then we'll really be busy & get behind!

Let's start with our trip to Erie. Last weekend we went to Erie to visit the Miehl family. It was a nice trip, we even had great sunny weather! We made a trip to the Erie zoo and even had a get together with the Anderson cousins. I was able to visit Pleasant Ridge Manor and some former coworkers, and have a nice long "coffee talk" that night with Kathy, whom I don't get to spend enough time with! Here are some photos from that trip:

Today Matt & I went to Philadelphia for the day. The plan was to see the Star Wars exhibit at the Franklin Institute, but when we got there at 11am the only time we could get into the show was 4pm. We kept ourselves busy by walking....and walking...and walking....from the FI all the way to Old City and Independence Hall.

The best part of the Star Wars exhibit was the characters walking around. We actually heard a little boy ask one of the Storm Troopers "are you here to invade the Rebel base?" Yes, he was very serious when he asked this. Also when Matt had his picture taken with bounty hunter Boba Fett (I have no idea how to spell this) the guy called Matt a Wookie. I guess he is tall, but he's not that hairy!

This picture I had to add because it's just too funny not to:

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