Monday, September 1, 2008

Closing a Great Summer

This summer has been so much fun, it's hard to sum it up in words. But I will try with pictures! Maggie is now 18 months old. Some of the words she can now say inlcude: Mom or Mommy, Daddy, juice, pease (please), da (dog), ha (hot), Poppy, Bay (for Bailey). She also counts "one, two, tree!". By far her favorite word though, is NO! Which she manages to scream at the top of her lungs at the most unopportune times... Church, for example. How about a nice leisurely breakfast at Cracker Barrel? Don't even think about it with an 18 month old. Something about that place just throws her off. It's like we pull in the parking lot and Maggie gets this impish grin (some may call it a snarl).

Anyway, we managed to do a lot of fun things this summer, most importantly, just being together. We went to a carnival, visited our extended family at a cabin on the Loyalsock, made a trip to Erie to see Aunt Meghan's new house, had one visit from Grammy and one visit from Grammy & Grandpa, camped at 3 family reunions, and spent a week at Chincoteague Island with Gramma & Poppy, Aunt Megan & Uncle Rick, and Morgan & Bailey.

Lounging with Dad

Visit from Grammy

Mags & Mom

Eating chips & salsa with Poppy & Great Uncle Mike

Visit from Grandpa
Roller Coaster with Bailey
Too cute to pass up!

Maggie & Dad in Erie
She's smiling...we'll have to show her this when she's 13.

Helping Mom sort recipes

Maggie, Bailey & Morgan at Mr. Whippy in Chincoteague

Beach Pictures

In all, it was a good summer. Matt starts back to school tomorrow, and the period of mourning for summer he experienced this year seemed to be shorter than years before. He will be teaching the same courses he had last year, so he's all set. He's also taking grad courses, so we expect fall to be quite busy. This summer Matt really seemed to find enjoyment in woodworking; he built a nightstand to match the one we already have in the bedroom,he also built some extra storage in the basement. He and Dad also installed railing and bannister on our front porch.

I continue to work for Uppercase Living. Let me know if you want to book a party or place an order! I did run a 5K on July 4th, and I have two more coming up, one this Friday and one at the end of September. I'm also going to take a Yogalates class (1/2 Yoga, 1/2 Pilates) once a week, so that should be fun.

Hope everyone is doing well and you enjoyed catching up with us!

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